A series of unfortunate events has led to me living in a very small space, and sharing my bedroom with Plum Soul Studio. Not my ideal situation, but where there is a challenge, there is a need for creativity!
I recently bought a Silhouette after my Cricut made me want to throw it out of a window. The Silhouette is perfect for making Plum Soul's stickers, and I now use my Cricut for all other projects. Problems solved, right? Nope. New problem...where am I going to put the new machine. As you can see in the picture below my production desk isn't huge. What am I to do!?!
Enter a post on FB that changed the game for my situation!!! A stand that is specifically made to stack a Cricut on top of a Silhouette. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. God does indeed answer event he smallest of prayers.
So here are the deets, the stand can be purchased on Etsy here and costs $60. The seller also sells stands specifically made to stack two Silhouettes or two Cricuts. It took about a week for my stand to arrive and it came with instructions. It comes with a lot of stickers on it but I took them off as I didn't like them.
I am NOT an affiliate nor do I get paid to promote this product. Most of you are also crafters so I thought this was good info to share.
Edit: If this one isn't available, Amazon has a similar product that can be found here.
- BJ